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Correct interpretation of various testing reports of aluminum alloy cable
Mar 29, 2018

Core Frost: Various reports of aluminum alloy cable market, some manufacturers even organized into a book thickness, then, as an important tool to determine the performance of aluminum alloy cable, How should we interpret these test reports? How to push through the phenomenon to see the essence grasp the key, see the key? Which one is the most important? This article will read for you. 2006, 2007, two U.S. companies into North America and other national security applications for several decades of the aluminum alloy cable technology and products, creating the Chinese aluminum alloy cable industry, leading and nurturing the domestic aluminum alloy cable market. In recent years, with the "aluminum alloy generation copper" voice and enthusiasm, with the clear support of the national level, increasing. Aluminum Alloy Cable This new technology products, has been more and more user recognition, the development trend is gratifying. But the emergence of new things and the process of development, there will inevitably be a chaotic stage. Aluminum cable Industry This mess, from the industry's opening day to accompany. Recently, the article issued by the cable online, "aluminum alloy cable was misled 13 chaotic image analysis", the disclosure of the industry's main chaos. However, there are still many chaotic images that have not been mentioned in the above article.

such as: Some of the professional manufacturers, network companies, counterfeit companies in the so-called aluminum alloy cable testing report has a lot of fishy. Our country's current detection method is to sample commissioned testing, testing results only for samples, that is, the sample is sent to your own, your samples are responsible for your own, I test results only for you sent samples. Regular professional manufacturers samples are no problem, is the production of their own products. Rather than professional manufacturers, network companies, counterfeit companies because there is no production or production of qualified products, the sample submitted, I am afraid that only its own to say clearly from which formal manufacturers fooled or touched. So in the absence of a field study of whether a company really has the ability to produce aluminum alloy cable, can not only believe that the test report provided. Also, the so-called test reports of these companies, or even fake reports of others.

Generally speaking, the authenticity of the report can be identified on the report of the inspection agencies site inquiries. Testing the authenticity of the report, is a problem, a variety of test reports of the amount of gold in the judgment, but also many users have been puzzled by the problem. Now about the test report of aluminum alloy cable, because of the name of the testing agency, the report type is also many, many people in the industry are not clear, let alone not this professional users.

So this article is necessary to do a simple comb, readers. In fact, the aluminum cable industry to contact the most authoritative testing agencies, mainly: Shanghai cable, the national wire and cable quality testing center, mechanical industrial Electrical materials and special cable product quality Supervision and testing center, the National Fire Building Materials Quality Supervision and inspection center, power industry electrical Equipment Quality Testing Center (Wugau), etc. These authoritative testing agencies each have professional direction and expertise in their respective fields. Test report types are mainly type test, commissioned inspection, test reports, inspection reports, etc., usually according to the different inspection items, involving the examination of the content of how much to choose the type of inspection.

Also according to the inspection content to determine the inspection standards, inspection agencies. Usually the type test requires more items, including electrical, mechanical, insulation, sheath and other basic performance requirements, more comprehensive. Commissioned inspection, test reports, inspection reports, and so on, basically for cable materials or products specific performance requirements of the test, according to the different assessment requirements of the selection of inspection form.

These different tests, combined can basically reflect the quality of cable products.

For the aluminum alloy cable, because it is a new type of material products, in addition to the basic performance test cable products, we should pay special attention to check whether the manufacturer has: (1) "Inspection report of the conductor aluminum alloy rod material": the report relates to material chemical composition, tensile strength, elongation after the elongation, conductivity, material density and so on, the request should all meet the national standard requirement, can prove that the conductor material of aluminum alloy cable is qualified.

This is the examination of aluminum alloy cable conductor material is the most important report. (2) "100-hour compressive creep test report on conductor aluminum alloy materials": the report can examine the compressive creep behavior of the conductor material used in aluminum alloy cable, and can understand whether the change rate of creep curve is similar to the rate of creep curve of copper material, to show the compressive creep property of conductor aluminum alloy.

GB why the test time of 100 hours, because it must have such a test time to ensure that the conductor of aluminum alloy can truly reflect the compressive creep properties. (3) "Aluminum alloy cable conductor and aluminum alloy copper connecting terminals of aluminum alloy materials consistency Inspection report": Now the industry has disclosed a mistake that was deliberately concealed for eight years. The use of copper-aluminum transition terminals for aluminum alloy cable Connection, the correct connection scheme in the future is the use of the connected aluminum alloy cable with the same performance of aluminum alloy copper junction terminals. In this way, the supplier is required to provide the authoritative inspection agency issued by the aluminum alloy cable conductor and aluminum alloy copper connection terminals of the aluminum alloy material consistency inspection report, to prove the use of aluminum alloy terminal aluminum alloy material and aluminum alloy cable material all performance consistency, To ensure that aluminum alloy copper junction terminals of aluminum and aluminum alloy cable electrical, mechanical, compressive creep can be the same, to ensure the use of aluminum alloy cable safety. The report on the determination of the true and false aluminum alloy connection terminals The importance of the self-evident.

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